For every coach
at any stage
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, our tips and tools make it easy to coach with confidence.
Plan practices in minutes,
not hours
Choose from a range of video activities to keep your team engaged and learning. Add practice times and practice plans in advance with our easy-to-use schedule for all of your teams. Filter practice plans and activities by level, focus area or recommended for your team's age and stage.
Ready made practice plans
Easy-to use video activities
Filter by level, focus area or team
Easy-to-follow activities and practice plans
Don’t let practices get stuck in a rut. You can learn how to run a new activity in under 90 seconds. Each activity comes with all the information you need to get started, including the aim, equipment needed, setup diagrams, and progressions for making it harder, easier or different.
Animated video activities
Setup diagrams
Required equipment
Progressions (make it easier, harder or different)
Organise practices for all of your team
With Schedule, you can add practice times for the whole season and add ready-made practice plans so you're never caught unprepared. You can easily see what practices are coming up and track what practices have already been done. And if you need to, you can filter your schedule by team or sport. Take the headache out of practice scheduling and let our Schedule do the work for you.
Add recurring practice times
Add practice plans in advance
Filter by team or sport
Track what’s working and what needs work
Make sure your players are developing well-rounded skills over the season. With progress, it’s easy. We automatically add and track focus areas from last practice. Now you can see what areas have been working on and areas that need work. Ensure your team is making progress in all areas and not just focused on one.
Automatically add and track focus areas
Track multiple teams progress
See a breakdown by focus area
Tips and tricks to make your coaching more awesome
There's always room for improvement when it comes to coaching. Whether you're a new coach or an experienced one, there are always best practices to learn and adopt to make coaching more rewarding and fun. With Learn you can find articles, tips and lessons on everything from how to connect with your players to how to run effective practices. By taking a holistic approach to coaching, you can see that your players have a great experience and that your team reaches its full potential.
Coaching tips
Best practice lessons