Keeping girls in the game

Youth sports play a crucial role in a girl's development. They encourage self-confidence, teamwork, resilience, and healthy living. However, the percentage of girls who drop out of sports during adolescence is alarmingly high. It's time to change the narrative and keep more girls in the game.


68% of girls say they avoid playing sport when they don’t feel confident about their bodies.


68% of girls said a fear of being judged prevented them from taking part.


Girls are twice as likely to drop out of sport than boys by the age of 14.


There are 1.3m less opportunities in sport for girls than boys by the time they reach high school.

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CoachMate is the team management and engagement app with coaching, community and player engagement at its heart, designed to help clubs and organisations get more of their community of supporters involved in growing the game.

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About Team Heroine

Team Heroine was founded to help brands and rights holders tap into the power of women's sports, providing expertise and bold thinking to create fan engagement. Led by Rebecca Sowden, a former athlete and sports marketing professional, they aim to challenge the status quo and fully unleash the captivating potential of women's sports by emphasizing the need for innovative ideas and a proactive attitude.